Friday, January 30, 2009

The Tolerance Conundrum

I've heard a lot about tolerance in the last year or so. From everyone - not just from one group but from church members, celebrities, politicians, etc. My question is: What is tolerance? For example, if someone tells you they are a practicing Buddhist are you supposed to say "Good for you" and move on? Or are you supposed to at least try to share Christ with them? Which is technically not tolerating anything but instead spreading the Word of God as we were told to do.
I'm all for the latter and it's the one I'm definitely going to choose but I was just wondering.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life lessons to teach my children:

*Never buy a “purebred” dog thinking it will have less medical problems than a good old fashioned mutt. It. Will. Never. Happen…Probably.
*Never say anything remotely resembling the phrase “my children will never act like that”. They will.
*Learn to swim
*Learn how to wipe water from your own eyes using your fingers.
*Never lose your childish enthusiasm (from movie “Under the Tuscan Sun”)
*Don’t eat when you are not hungry and stop eating when you are full

List will be added to at various times in the future …

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

It’s New Year’s! The start of something new - refreshed and renewed after a nice holiday. It’s time to pack up Christmas, clean out closets and rearrange the furniture. I know I’m a geek but I love cleaning out and rearranging the look of the place every once in a while. It’s not only inexpensive but very effective for your own personal feng shui or chakras or whatever. I highly recommend it. It’s relatively warm today so it feels great to open the windows a smidge and feel the cool breeze. It’s almost like the beginning of spring.

My resolutions for 2009 are:
*More together time with Husband (dates once a week – even if it’s a home date)
*At least 1 vacation - without kids
*More fun and laughter with kids – don’t worry about the small stuff
*Be able to recognize the small stuff
*Planned meals!!!
*Give away the old toys - not accepting many new ones between holidays so the kids don’t get spoiled
*Simplify the décor and so it’s easy to maintain
*Stop watching so much HGTV so I don't get discouraged that my own house isn't a color-coordinated showplace dream come true
*Not procrastinate (like I did with this post because I meant for it to post on Jan 1)