Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

It’s New Year’s! The start of something new - refreshed and renewed after a nice holiday. It’s time to pack up Christmas, clean out closets and rearrange the furniture. I know I’m a geek but I love cleaning out and rearranging the look of the place every once in a while. It’s not only inexpensive but very effective for your own personal feng shui or chakras or whatever. I highly recommend it. It’s relatively warm today so it feels great to open the windows a smidge and feel the cool breeze. It’s almost like the beginning of spring.

My resolutions for 2009 are:
*More together time with Husband (dates once a week – even if it’s a home date)
*At least 1 vacation - without kids
*More fun and laughter with kids – don’t worry about the small stuff
*Be able to recognize the small stuff
*Planned meals!!!
*Give away the old toys - not accepting many new ones between holidays so the kids don’t get spoiled
*Simplify the décor and so it’s easy to maintain
*Stop watching so much HGTV so I don't get discouraged that my own house isn't a color-coordinated showplace dream come true
*Not procrastinate (like I did with this post because I meant for it to post on Jan 1)

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